A little bit about my library I have here at home.
It consists of 10 Bookcases with with all shelves in use and 3 six foot long wall shelves.
At one time I had created my own data base and was keeping a record of all my books just as a Library would do and keping a card catalog.
Mainly because of the age of the books and that they will eventually all go to my children and Grandchildren
I have since purchased a program that is so much faster and nicer than the one that I made, so I started re-programming them into it.
Up to date total so far is 1201 books.
I still have several to put it and will probably top out at close to a little over 1300

One wonders if books are worth anything...Yes to the person that reads they are worth a fortune.
To say a book is rare, yes it may be here in the United States, but if it was published England it may not be rare at all.
What is the shape of the book, good, bad , poor, excellent condition, First edition?
But what good is a book if it is wrapped up, setting on a shelf, and has never been opened and read.
You may pay a high price for the book,but if you never open it to make it a used book, then really what is its value, except to say you own it.
I have many many first editions and they are in fine shape, but they have been read,They may have dog-earred pages,
they have been in the hands of children, parents,grandparents and even great grandparents
and by the time they get to my children and grandchildren, there wil be five generations at least that have read the books.
Are they worth anything? maybe , maybe not, but to me they are worth their weight in gold.
The knowledge that lies between the covers
is one of the best educational sources around
One of my favorite quotes:
The library is not a shrine for the worship of books. It is not a temple where literary incense must be burned or where one's devotion to the bound book is expressed in ritual.
A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - a place where history comes to life.
~Norman Cousins

Now for a little bit in my library.
I have always liked to read the Condensed Books put out by Readers Digest,
Alot of people do not like them but I like the way they get to the meat of the story, and cut the unnecessary -areas that didn't really add to the story line.
As a result I have 165 of them dated back to 1952.
Charles Dickens, I have 23 of his books dating back to 1859
James Fenimoore Cooper, Ernest Hemmingway, Sir Winston Churchill,E.Phillips Oppenheim, Baroness Orczy, just to name a few
I also am a avid reading of Christian Novels so one book shelf is dedicated just to the Novella's and Love Inspired books,
and many many books that are in series .
And the modern day authors, Mary Higgins Clark, Nicholas Sparks and many others.

I hope this gives you just a little bit of an insight into my library.
Have I read them all. Goodness Gracious no!
Have I made a dent in them? Well lets say about one-forth of them.
Do I ever get rid of any of my books? Yes I have donated over 300 books to our local library book store, given away to friends, or to the hospital for patients to read.
Books given to me if they are not part of what I collect, yes I pass them on after reading them.
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